Winx Club Fanon Wiki

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Winx Club Fanon Wiki
Basic Form is a property of CheerfulSteekip "Cheery"! You are not allowed to steal its contents and/or (unless the page is of the Magimon brand) edit without her permission!

Gatomon (Digimon Adventure 2020) "It's alright, you can help."
Basic Form is part of the Magimon brand, created by CheerfulSteekip "Cheery"! As the brand is open for collaboration, feel free to add content to lists... though if you want to use the content for your own series, ask her first!

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All Magical Warriors begin with the Basic Form.

  • Previous Transformation(s): Enix (unknowingly in the Magimon brand), N/A (otherwise)
  • Next Transformation(s): Charmix (All Magis from the Magimon brand), Supreme Form (All allies from the Magimon brand)
    • Please add more following transformations if you like!



In Season 1 of Magimon Tales, Nova introduces the Basic Form when fighting a Nightmare at Kanto's Route 1.



The color scheme is often extremely simplistic with usually two-or-three-color color schemes. The wings are plain and small. The clothing is usually very simple with a combination of mini skirts, shorts, tops, and dresses, although some characters have more detailed outfits (such as Mikos). For accessories, there is a combination of gloves, bracelets, wrist cuffs, brooches, chokers, tiaras, headphones, headbands, and helmets. Hairstyles often remain unchanged or very slightly changed. Shoes are often in some form of heeled boots. Fairy wings have glitter on the inside and glowing auras on the outside.


The outfits become darker, the accessories change shape and color and the wings and heels have sharper edges. The eyes may change color and shape, and the fairy may gain make-up on eyelids and lips. The hair gets thicker and somewhat messier. There may be a pair of leggings in matching color in addition to the outfit. The wings have glitter on the inside and glowing auras on the outside.



A Creature must be in their teens or preteens (though the eligible age is slightly higher for Ponies), have a strong-enough will, and must fully believe in their magical capabilities. If the Magic of Friendship considers them eligible to become a Magical Warrior, a MagiPact is then created for them upon selection. If their MU is lower than 40 but they still express a desire to fight, they'll be given a different device instead - effectively making them an ally.

Magical Abilities[]

Magis and allies can more easily manifest their magic than when they are in civilian form as well as use more powerful spells.

Ways to Acquire[]

See the Acquirements here.

Known Users[]


  • In Winx Club, it is called Winx, but the creator of this page decided to use a more broad form to simplify it.
  • During the original transformation sequence:
    • Aisha is the only Winx to not be in her civilian clothing.
      • She is also the only Winx not to make an "X" with her fingers.
    • Stella is the only Winx to have her hairstyle changed in this form.
    • Bloom and Aisha's backgrounds are the same.
    • Flora's wings are missing during her final pose.
    • After extending her hair, Musa's sequence was reanimated and her wings are missing in her final pose.
  • Tecna is the only Winx who can change her wing shape in this form.
    • She is also the only Winx to have extra functionality embedded in her outfit. She can stroke her brooch to summon technological controls, tap her helmet to eject a visor, project data from a wristwatch and produce electrodes capable of connecting to a computer system.
  • Musa, Ella and Kimberly are currently the only Magis not to have high heels in this form.
  • This is the first Fairy Form of Musa's to include a disco dance floor motif in her transformation sequence, with the second being Believix.
  • When Musa got a new longer hairstyle in Season 3, her Winx transformation sequence was re-done with long hair, more refined background and slightly different and refined animation in her final pose scene.
  • Mirta is the only fairy to have bigger wings in her Winx form.