Bloom is a character in the Winx Club HFY fanfiction. She is the second princess of Domino and its Guardian Fairy. She is one of the founding members of the Winx Club, where she is recognized as the leader of their group and the team's explosives expert. She is a Dominoin, giving her draconic features that became prominent after puberty.
Early Life[]
Bloom Marceline Peters, originally named Milonrah (she who roars), is the second hatched daughter of King Oritel and Queen Marion of Domino and the younger sister of Crown Princess Daphne, as well as the keeper of the Dragon's Flame.
When she was still a baby, her kingdom was attacked by the Ancestral Witches, Valtor, and Mandragora who destroyed Domino by turning it into a frozen abandoned planet. Recognizing the direness of the situation, Daphne took the Dragon Flame from her own body and sealed it into Bloom to keep it away from the witches. She sent her away to the furthest habitable planet she could think of, a nearly forgotten planet of rumors, Earth.
On Earth, Bloom appeared in a building where her adoptive father, Mike, was one of the firefighters on scene. Mike rescued Bloom and tried to find her parents, but it quickly became clear she didn't belong to anyone there, so she was placed in foster care. Mike's wife, Vanessa, a florist and former ward of the state, didn't want her to go through the same hell she went through, so she and Mike decided to adopt her. Vanessa named her Bloom as that's the name she always wanted to name her daughter, and Mike named her Marceline after one of his ancestors and for her red hair reminding him of the red sands of Mars.
Since she was only a baby at the time of those events, Bloom grew up to have an uneventful childhood with no recollection of her true origins.
Bloom used to play in the Forest of Flowers [Redacted]. In her youth, she received a gift, her pet rabbit, Kiko, and met her nemesis, Mitzi, who particularly liked teasing her about her inability to eat spicy foods, calling her weak. Bloom typically dealt with her by growling, which was deep and demonic sounding. She also dated a boy named Andy.
She grew up playing soccer but had extremely poor stamina. She pushed herself to improve her stamina and developed breathing techniques to keep up with her peers.
Vanessa passed down to Bloom the skills for she learned and developed over her life that let her survive incase the worst were to ever happen to her and Mike. She taught her about the cruelty of the world but also about its beauty, instilling in her that they fight cruelty so beauty can thrive.
She appeared mostly human as she was growing up, and the rare few times they took her to a doctor, her parents explained away her rough skin, inability to sweat, and lack of nipples as a genetic disorder.
Developing Her Powers[]
At fourteen, Bloom began noticing something about herself was changing but brushed it off as puberty. At fifteen, she also nearly burned down her high school.
Meeting Stella[]
Bloom was on a school holiday, enjoying some time in a local park in Gardenia when Kiko alerted her something going on. She followed him, thinking it was just a mean squirrel, but he brought her to a fight that was going on between a winged, satyr-looking girl and a large smelly, monster and several small red monsters. Without really considering what she would do, Bloom stepped in to help her. The red monsters charged at her, and a strange feeling overtook and engulfed her. One of the red monsters got close to Kiko, so she grabbed a branch and squashed it. The smelly monster grabbed her and lifted her up into the air, but that energy overtook her again, and it blasted the monster away. The winged girl got her weapon back and sent the monsters packing, but not before one of the smaller monsters ripped a piece of her pants off.
The winged girl passed out, and given that she was clearly not human, Bloom figured that she couldn't take her to the doctors. She picked her up the way her dad taught her to and, not being able to carry on her bike, carried her back home over her shoulders.
She got the girl onto her parents' couch and then retold the events to her parents. Her father was skeptical, thinking that she was wearing some sort of costume, but her mother was less skeptical, saying that she'd seen some strange things growing up. The girl woke up and told them her name, Stella, and about her origins, how she ended up on their planet, and how their daughter saved her and that she was also a fairy, proving her story by using magic to turn their landline into vegetables when Mike tried to call an ambulance. They agree to let Stella stay with them for a bit to rest.
Bloom brought her up to her room, where Stella explained Bloom's powers to her and convinced her to come to Alfea. Their conversation was interrupted by the monsters from earlier and a large blue monster breaking into the Peters' home. The girls rushed down stairs, and Stella transformed again to fight the monsters. The Peters evacuated the house, but the red monsters followed Bloom. Having been called by Stella, the Specialists arrived and helped the girls defeat the monsters.
The following day, after Stella had rested and Bloom and her family had completed the proper preparations, including buying some gold that could be converted into galactic credits and Stella giving Bloom the translator spell, they left for Magix.
First Year at Alfea[]
Bloom managed to get into Alfea with the aid of Stella's trickery and a disguise charm. During orientation, Ms. Faragonda warned the new students about staying away from the witches of Cloud Tower. Afterwards, Bloom asked about them, and Stella explained the three schools to Bloom. Bloom was amazed that witches were also real, but the way Stella warned her about them made Bloom uneasy.
They went to their new room, where Bloom meets Flora (whom she shared a dormitory room with), along with Tecna and Musa. Bloom suggested they should go for pizza, which she learned the Magic Dimension didn't have. For the next year, she, Stella, and Flora worked together to replicate pizza using what ingredients the Magic Dimension had, but for that night, they went somewhere else.
While ordering their food, Bloom tried to use her cell phone, but it would not work. Tecna took it and laughed at the "ancient technology," to Bloom's surprise, as she referred to it as the newest model on Earth. To apologize, Tecna allowed Bloom to borrow her card to call her mother. Shortly after, Bloom spied Knut, who was working for a trio of witches known as the Trix and had attacked her and Stella in Gardenia. Bloom followed Knut to the Trix, and they attacked her since she had been spying on them, and Stella, Flora, Musa, and Tecna came to her rescue. During the attack, her disguise charm was damaged, causing the disguise to flicker and her true form to be revealed. Stella was forced to confess that Bloom is not Varanda of Callisto but Bloom of Earth. Ms. Grizelda also found out, but Ms. Faragonda let her stay since she was a magical creature and had the qualities of a fairy.
The girls spent the first week getting to know each other and learning to live together. Musa suggested an old Melodian tradition of sharing media so they can learn what everyone likes and values. With Tecna's technical help, Bloom shared some old spaghetti westerns that she brought with her, which Stella really took a liking to.
During her first week of classes, Bloom wasn't having much luck. She asked Stella for help, but even then, she just ended up making her bangs stick straight up. Flora comforted Bloom as Stella laughed. Bloom asked the girls why they were at Alfea. Stella answered that she wants to "become a real fairy, successful, beautiful, powerful, and universally admired," along with wanting to do good things like making people happy and bringing back estranged lovers, notably her parents. Flora answered that she wants to be a real fairy too but that she's primarily there because she loves to learn. Flora asked Bloom the same question, to which she admitted that she has no idea what she's doing there.
The next day at breakfast, Faragonda announced the annual start-of-year ball, where they will meet the Specialists from Red Fountain for the gift exchange ceremony. Classes were cancelled for the day as all the students were in charge of decorating.
The girls went back to their dorm to get ready and show off their dresses when they realized that Bloom had nothing suitable to wear. The girls took her to Magix to find a dress, but she couldn't find anything that wasn't eye-wateringly expensive. She continued to shop while the others returned to Alfea to get ready. Luckily for her, she found a sale and a dress that didn't look too bad but needed some adjustments. Bloom hurried back to Alfea and tried to fix the dress before heading to the party. Unable to find scissors, she used her powers to cut the dress but accidentally set it on fire. She put it out, avoiding nearly burning down Alfea, and decided to try looking for some scissors again.
During her search, she heard the Trix's voices. She investigated and discovered the Trix tampering with the Specialists' gift. She overheard them talking about something called [snake-rats]. She hurried to the ballroom to find the others. She told them of what the Trix had done, and Tecna looked up what a snake-rat was, confirming for the girls that they couldn't let them hatch. They came together to cast a spell to revert the eggs back to normal. Nobody at the dance even noticed what happened.
Bloom rushed back to her room to change but, before she could, noticed Stella's jewelry box floating away. She tried to catch it, but the lid popped open, and Stella's ring flew out. Bloom chased it outside, where she's able to jump and grab it, only to be attacked by the Trix. They stole the ring and attempted to perinatally deal with her. Although her growls and earthly strength unsettled the Trix, it wasn't enough. With her life on the line, Bloom transformed for the first time and continued the battle. The battle ended when the Trix thought they had the ring and retreated.
The rest of the girls gathered around Bloom, and Flora revealed that Stella's ring is safe, having magically switched the ring with an egg she cast a spell on. Bloom returned to her room and finished adjusting her dress, finally able to attend the ball and dance with "Brandon".
Later that night, the girls discussed the events of the night and the past few days, realizing that the Trix were a real threat to them and, for whatever reason, wanted Stella's ring. The girls agreed to help protect each other and Stella's ring. Bloom then suggests that they needed a name, putting forward "the Winx". All the girls agreed, but Stella agreed on the name. Tecna then questioned what it meant, and Bloom admitted that it didn't mean anything, but they could make it mean something. And the girls officially formed the Winx.
The coming week, the girls were brought out to Black-Mud Swamp for a survival exercise. During their exercise, they spotted a Red Fountain ship crash and went to check it out, where they found "Brandon" and his team and got into an argument with them. They realized the troll escaped, and the girls decided to join the boys in the search. They heard screaming and found the troll attacking the other Alfea students. They devised a plan of attack and went to capture the troll. The Winx insulted and distracted the troll, and the Specialists attempted to cuff the troll, but it threw them off and disappeared into the woods, where they were unable to locate it.
The Winx were assigned to help make dinner, but Stella got invited on a date with "Sky," so she wouldn't be able to help them with the meal. They returned to Stella's room to help her get dressed, where Tecna found one of Stella's homemade dresses, teasing her about leaving a lasting impression. Later, Musa, Bloom, and Tecna talked about dating, and Bloom recommended Tecna try it. Tecna was resistant to the idea, calling it an "experience of irrelevant value".
The next morning, the girls were all awoken by loud noises coming from Stella's room. When they tried to figure out what was going on, Stella brushed them off, leaving them confused and offended, but they decided to leave her be, but when Stella didn't come to class, they began getting worried. Bloom left to go check on her, and when she got there, Stella behaved really aggressively, demanding to know where her ring was before storming off. Bloom called the rest of the girls back to their room. They found their rooms completely trashed by Stella, and when they were trying to figure out why, Bloom commented that, on Earth, they'd say she's "out of her head". Tecna suggested it had something to do with Sky. Bloom counted that she didn't believe it had anything to do with Sky, but Musa suggested that he was still the main suspect, so the girls headed to Red Fountain.
The girls headed to Red Fountain to talk to Sky, but he said that he hadn't seen Stella at all last night, denying that he even wrote her a note. Even more confused, they headed to Magix to follow up on their only other lead, the Black Lagoon. Tecna searched the local net for the Black Lagoon but couldn't find any results, so Bloom joked about trying her own "search engine" and began asking around. Nobody they asked had heard of it until a man approached them with information on where to find it. The girls headed to the Black Lagoon, only to be ambushed by the Trix. They held Stella hostage, forcing Bloom to hand over the Solarian Ring. The girls lamented their loss, and Tecna chastised Bloom for giving up, saying that she wasn't the boss. Flora defended Bloom's actions. The girls returned to Alfea, determined to get Stella's ring back.
The girls spent the next few days researching the ring, trying to figure out why the witches wanted it, and they learned that it was created from the fire of the Great Dragon. They didn't understand what it all meant, but they knew it was important, so the girls formulated a plan to get Stella's ring back. Under the cover of darkness, they used the tunnels under the school to sneak into Cloud Tower. They snuck into the witch's room and found Stella's ring. Getting out proved to be more difficult, and they were trapped in a fire. Bloom heard a voice telling her where to go to escape from the fire and return to Alfea. They successfully escaped Cloud Tower, but they were still caught.
The girls tried to defend their actions, but the teachers wouldn't hear it, and they were punished by having their powers taken away and being forced to clean the castle. Griselda also forbade Tecna from using her gadgets, and the Winx teased her by saying that by Tecna's standards, she is showing too much emotion. Tecna admitted to them that ever since she met them, she easily lost control of her emotions, earning her the nickname of 'Spock' from Bloom, and after Tecna expressed confusion about the name, Bloom decided that she needed to introduce her to Star Trek.
The Winx called the boys to make the job go faster and alleviate the boredom, turning it into a party. During the party, Bloom and Stella danced together as they talked about Sky and Brandon. Stella encouraged Bloom to talk to Brandon, stating that it was the perfect time to try and get closer.
The Trix crashed the party, summoning a monster called the Whip to distract the Winx as they searched the school. The girls used their wits and soap to knock out the beast, but the castle was trashed. Even though the castle was in worse shape than it was that morning, Griselda was impressed with their handling of the situation without magic and returned their powers to them.
Bloom started having dreams about this strange woman, who asked Bloom to follow her, telling Bloom that she had something to tell her. These dreams became so intense that she started talking and even transforming in her sleep.
During the Day of the Rose, Musa, Bloom, and Stella opted to remain at Alfea. Bloom explained that her reason for staying is because she was feeling homesick and that she'd only feel worse after coming back. Bloom and Stella went to Magix for the festival of the Rose, where Bloom had a vision of the woman in her dreams.
Bloom got into a argument with Riven during the festival that ended with her dumping water on his head. Later, Knut, disguised as Timmy, gave Bloom a helmet as a peace-offering to Riven. She gave it to Riven as an apology, and he accepted. After that, she returned to the group. Stella asked where she had been, and Bloom told her. This confused Stella, and she explained that Timmy was back on Callisto. Bloom tried to stop Riven, but Darcy interrupted and deactivated the helmet, causing Riven to lose control and crash. Darcy appeared and healed him. Bloom tried to get Darcy away from him and explained that it was the Trix who did this, but Riven didn't believe her, thinking that she deactivated the helmet so Brandon could win, even though he won by default. Bloom explained that the Trix sent an imposter of Timmy to give her the helmet, but Riven didn't believe her, telling Bloom to come up with a better excuse before storming off.
Bloom had another intense dream where she transformed in her sleep, only to be woken up by Stella's shouting. In the morning, the girls talked about Bloom's strange dreams. Tecna analyzes them and explained that this woman in her dreams was trying to give her a message. Stella interrupted and told Bloom that she's blowing her situation out of proportion in a way that sounds insensitive, angering Bloom.
Bloom stormed off to the library to search for answers. When she asked Ms. Barbatea about how to find the information, she was directed to the library's magic search lectern. She found several books on Daphne, the nymph, using the library's magic search lectern, but she forgot to turn it off, causing dozens of books to fly off the shelves. The books swarmed her until Faragonda came and shut off the lectern. Ms. Faragonda told her that she can finish her research another day, and Bloom left. She encountered the girls heading off to Magix with Sky, Brandon, and Timmy and opts to join them.
Upon getting to Magix, they find Musa being attacked by witches. They jump in to help her, but in the process, Musa was injured. Bloom tried to reach her, but Stormy blocked her path. Enraged, Bloom unleashed a massive burst of energy, allowing the Winx to escape but unwittingly revealing to Icy that she has the power that the Trix desire.
Bloom continued to have dreams about Daphne, and she kept trying to figure out what she was all about, causing her to drift off in class thinking about her to zone out in class. She completely missed the briefing on the simulator room and their test and had to be caught up to speed by the others. Day of the test, Bloom was chosen to go first. She requested a desolate place, and Palladium presented her with Domino. Bloom began her test and reached into her back for her prepared supplies, to find Kiko also in the bag. Bloom scolded Kiko but had to continue with her test. She then planted a few seeds and used magic to make them grow, but the Trix interrupted, taking control of the simulation, and attacked Bloom, forcing her to battle them.
The Trix tried measuring her power, but Bloom mentally suppressed them. They decided to make her completely emotionally distressed to reveal the strength of her power. Icy blasted Kiko off a cliff and into a fiery pit. Bloom dived in to save him but failed. Completely distressed and enraged, Bloom released an enormous amount of powerful magical energy, defeating the Trix confirming their speculation that she has their ultimate prize, the Dragon's Flame.
The surge of power knocked Bloom out momentarily. When she woke up, she was distraught over Kiko's seeming demise, but her sorrow and fears were quelled when she heard him snoring behind some rocks. Palladium finally regained control of the system and got Bloom out of the simulation. He revealed that Bloom's power had fried the system, meaning the rest of the students would need to take their tests the next day.
Flora began asking her friends to store some of her projects in their room, and thinking that they were just regular plants, they allowed it. They soon found out they weren't normal planets as they began wrecking havoc and disrupting their lives. The girls complained, aside from Bloom and Musa, that they did not like the fact that Flora had spread her plants around their dorm, causing Flora to leave for Black Mud Swamp to perform her experiments where they will not bother anyone. Bloom tried to convince her that it was dangerous to no avail and decided to follow her, prompting the others to follow.
When the Winx got to Black Mud Swamp to make sure Flora would be okay, they ended up helping her find a flower she needed, bringing them to the undine. The undine asked for the Winx's help in dealing with a dangerous creature that was threatening their people and their ability to get building materials for their homes in exchange for finding the flower for Flora. The girls went searching for the creature and found the small island the undine get their materials from inside a small lake. The creature popped out of the water, startling the girls. It grabbed Musa in its mouth and retreated back into the water. The Winx used the air bubble method they learned from the water nymphs and dived down. Tecna, Flora, and Stella distracted the creature while Bloom extracted Musa.
Once Musa was free, the girls retreated to the island to rest and recover and also began searching it. As they walk about the island, the girls slowly started to fall asleep, except for Tecna. Flora pointed out the lovely smell that was in the air, and Tecna analyzed the air content only to find that it was sleeping gas. She urged the girls to stay awake, but it was not possible. Bloom was the last to fall asleep, and she called out for Tecna. Tecna caught her before she could fall, and Bloom pointed to a tree, the Red Willow, before falling asleep. Bloom woke up after Tecna made an oxygen bubble with a hole to let the gas escape. She added her magic to make the bubble larger. The bubble extended far enough to wake up the others. Then they all used their magic together to enlarge the circle even more and woke up the missing undine. The undine told the girls the truth of the island, it was a giant turtle that's been sleepwalking for eons due to the Red Willow. The Red Willow attacked the bubble and broke it. The girls were able to burn and dispel the tree's magic, destroying the Red Willow and purifying the air. They returned the missing undine and completed their mission.
With some free time on her hands, Bloom hung out with "Brandon," along with Kiko and Lady. Bloom confided in him about her dreams and that they've started happening every night. Brandon agreed to help Bloom, heading back to Red Fountain to get Timmy's help.
Earlier, Stella told Bloom that she's not feeling well and would be in the infirmary, so after class, she went to check up on her. But when she got there the nurse told her that Stella hadn't gone to the infirmary that day. Bloom returned to the dorm, where the rest of the Winx were relaxing. She informed them of Stella's deception to skip class, which pissed her off. She wondered where she was, first checking Stella's room. Stella arrived back at the dorm, and Bloom berated her about lying and skipping. Stella brushed her and explained that she was getting ready for the Miss Magix competition, which Bloom couldn't believe. Stella begged for the others' help, which they reluctantly agreed to.
That night, the girls arrive at the convention hall and prepare for the show in the dressing rooms. As Flora and Musa were getting Stella ready, they heard high-pitched shriek from the hallway. Bloom popped out to investigate and found another contestant had messed up a spell, resulting in her high-pitched voice. Stella tried to be sympathetic, but a translation hiccup caused it to sound like a comment on the contestant's voice. The contestant ran off crying, passing the Trix, who Bloom spotted.
After the initial showing, behind stage, Stella complained about the audience approval of contestant number ten, an abnormally full-bodied Dolonian. Bloom tried to remind her that it's just a game, but that didn't calm her down. The contestant in question walked past them, and Bloom congratulated her on her positive reception. The contestant snubbed her, and something about her, plus the presence of the Trix, got Bloom's spidey senses tingling.
The girls watched contestant after contestant have "unfortunate accidents". The only one not to experience any accidents was contestant number ten. Contestant number ten ended up winning the contest, but as she was called up to accept her prize, Bloom's suspicions grew, so just in case, she cast a spell that would break any spell present. Contestant number ten was revealed to be using a glamor charm, leading to her getting disqualified and Stella winning.
After the contest, Stella wanted to celebrate, but Bloom reminded her that she had to study.
Bloom returned to Earth for vacation, and while there, she realized that she could sense the emotions of others. She headed to her mother's flower shop, where she noticed a strange man in a limousine. Although suspicious, Bloom brushes it off and enters the shop. Inside, she saw her mother talking to two strange men, Brown and Bonner, about becoming business partners and expanding the flower shop. Bloom got a really bad feeling from them, and after they left, she shared her suspicions with her mother and told her that she shouldn't go through with the deal. Her mother was hesitant to at first, saying that they seemed like such nice people, but Bloom reminded her that she's a magical creature with supernatural senses that allow her to sniff out evil. Vanessa called them back inside to change her decision. Mr. Brown tried his best to convince Vanessa to rethink her decision, but Vanessa didn't budge. Mr. Bonner "accidentally" knock over Vanessa's plant that was on the counter. Bloom growled at him, freaking them out enough to nearly run out of the store.
Over the course of a few days, Bloom enjoyed her time with her family. However, after those few days pass, Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner's threats became apparent. Their first threat: a brick that was thrown at the flower shop's glass door; the second: smashing the shop's flower display after Bloom had just placed it on the floor; and thirdly: forcing their way into the shop and damaging everything in the shop while Bloom and Vanessa were away. The Peters family plan on setting up a security system the following day, but that night, Bloom had a nightmare of the shop burning, causing her to wake up in a panic and scream. Her parents came to see if she's okay, and Bloom told them that they have to go to the shop.
They arrived at the shop to see it completely engulfed in flame. Bloom headed inside to try and stop the fire, and out of concern for her, Mike went with her. Bloom protected them from the fire with a shield. As they walked further into the center, she experienced another vision, one of her father rescuing a newborn baby from a burning building. She heard someone call out for help and realized that it was the driver of the limousine. Mike helped him out, and Bloom, using her improved powers, extinguished the fire right before the firefighters arrived.
Outside, the driver confessed to everything, ratting out Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner. Bloom sensed that he was being truthful. Mike handed the driver off to the police, and they got out of there before people could start asking questions.
At home, Bloom brought up her vision, asking her parents why she saw that. Her father revealed that that baby was her and that she was adopted by them. Bloom was shocked and devastated, asking why they had not told her earlier. Mike explained that they had planned on telling her when she was old enough to understand, but before he could do so, the discovery of magic, fairies, ogres, and magic realms had blocked that opportunity. But both Mike and Vanessa reassured her that they always loved her and will never stop. Bloom embraced them and told them hat she loves them just as much.
After the break, Bloom returned to Alfea and told her friends of what she learned. Flora comforted her, saying that her adoptive parents had committed a great act of love. Musa told her that she is very lucky, and Tecna agreed. But now, Bloom wanted to know everything about her heritage and planed to get answers.
The fairies of Alfea had post break exams, and despite her best efforts, Bloom failed. Bummed out, Bloom headed to Magix City to hang out with Brandon. Brandon told her about his day but noticed that Bloom was gloomy. He asked if he said something wrong. Bloom reassured him that it's just her adoptive parents, her insecurity, and her many unanswered questions that were troubling her. Hoping to help, Brandon asked what kind of questions she had in mind, and she told him her origin and about her mysterious powers. She thought that the answers could be found in Cloud Tower's archives, but they're not accessible to her. Although risky, Brandon decided to help her.
That night, Brandon arrived outside her window on his windrider and took her to Cloud Tower. She led him to the archives, where he found one of the legendary books called The Lost Books. They're said to have the answers to all questions. He urged Bloom to ask it her questions. Bloom asked "Who am I?," and the book showed that she's the incarnation of the three Ancestral Witches, and as soon as she becomes a true fairy, they will take possession of her. Bloom told Brandon what she saw. He's not only in disbelief but also very wary of her. Bloom, while crying, said that this was her fate and she never wished it to be like this. She asked Brandon to take her back to Alfea. Brandon took her back to Alfea, but she didn't stay there. She only went inside to grab Kiko and then headed off to Magix City through the forest.
She woke up the next morning in a pile of leaves, and Kiko wakes up from being poked by a plant. They continued towards Magix but stopped when they encountered a Dolonian girl who said she's been looking for her. Bloom was suspicious of her, but as soon as she explained that the Trix had tricked her, Bloom was more willing to listen. The girl introduced herself as Mirta and explained to Bloom the Trix's plans and that she is not the incarnation of the three Ancestral Witches. This only confused Bloom even more about who she is, but she didn't have enough time to think about it as the Trix arrived, and Icy revealed that they will be taking her powers.
Mirta used her powers to create an image of the other Winx to defend them. As Stormy is about to attack them, Darcy sees through Mirta's magic and dispels it. As payback, Icy froze Mirta, Bloom, and Kiko. The Trix were about to rob Bloom of her powers, but the Winx arrive on scene, and Stella blasted Icy. With the Trix disoriented, Stella used the opportunity to melt her frozen friends. A battle ensues, and during the battle, Icy became irritated by Mirta, turning her into a pumpkin. Seeing this, Bloom raged and unleashed an enormous blast of magical energy, sending the Trix flying.
Bloom was blasted back by the recoil of her powers into some bushes. Tecna and Musa helped her up, and the rest of the Winx took her and Mirta back to Alfea.
Due to the continued dreams of Daphne, Bloom started falling asleep in class, which Griselda noticed and ordered Bloom to the headmistress' office. Bloom apologized for her behavior and explained the situation to Faragonda. Though Griselda dismissed her excuses, Faragonda seemed to understand and believe Bloom, calmly telling Bloom that it's alright and that she can return back to her room to rest before they talk more about this. Bloom left, and out in the hallway, she bumped into Professor Wizgiz. He frantically searched the area, then his bag, flinging out all his books and an envelope. Bloom picked up the envelope. Wizgiz seemingly gaves up and disappeared before Bloom had the chance to hand it to him, leaving her slightly confused. She tried to look for him a bit, then took a look at the envelope and concluded that it contained the answers to the next day's quiz.
Bloom brought the envelope back to the dorm and showed it to the others. They placed the envelope on a coffee table and all sat around it, contemplating what to do with it. They couldn't come to a conclusion before exhaustion got the better of Bloom, and she fell asleep on the armchair. She had another dream about Daphne before being woken up by Griselda. Griselda notified Bloom that she's been summoned back to Faragonda's office.
Bloom entered Faragonda's office, and after being seated, Faragonda explained to Bloom that the advisory committee had made an important decision, but before Faragonda could finish explaining, Bloom quickly defended herself, saying that she hadn't opened the envelope. Faragonda was confused on what exactly she meant, and Bloom quickly changed the subject. Faragonda finished what she was saying and revealed to Bloom that the voice she hears constantly is Daphne, one of the nine nymphs of Magix and guardian of the Dragon's Flame, the power that created the magical dimension. Faragonda brought Bloom along into an astral journey to learn more about her past. They're projected into the depths of Lake Roccaluce, and Faragonda took Bloom into a cave in which Daphne dwells. Though Bloom is hesitant, Faragonda encouraged her to step forward, and a bright light began to illuminate the cave. Bloom walked closer, and Daphne appeared before her. She handed her a treasure box that contains a crown. Bloom took it, and with that concludes the astral journey. Faragonda was completely exhausted from using her energy, but Bloom wanted to know more. However, Faragonda advised that the rest of the discovery must be done by herself.
Upon returning to the dorms, Bloom was bombarded with questions regarding the envelope by the others. She assured them that it had nothing to do with the envelop, just about her sleeping in class. Even with Bloom's reassurances, the girls were freaked out enough that they decided that they needed to hide the envelope somewhere that wasn't their dorm, opting to wait until the cover of night to do so. In the interim, Bloom decided to study but found doing so difficult. Her thoughts were mostly bombarded by Daphne and the time she and Brandon ventured into Cloud Tower's archives. She's sad that he's not contacted her at all, and with a bit of urging from Kiko, she called him herself, but there's no answer. She figured it's because he thinks she is a witch and scolded Kiko for giving her bad advice.
That night, the girls walked through the halls of Alfea to the kitchen. They enter the kitchen and search for a place to hide it. They opted to hide it in the turnips because nobody likes them, except for Flora. They tried to leave it at that and go back to bed, but none of them could resist the temptation, and they all snuck back into the kitchen. Flora, Musa, Tecna and Stella snuck around the kitchen, trying to locate the envelope in the dark. Tecna looked near the trash can but falls onto it because she was startled, along with the rest of the girls, when the lights were turned on by Bloom. Bloom laughed at the looks on their faces, getting the others to laugh too. They returned to their dorms, and Flora put the envelope in her end table. The Winx all agree to leave it there until they return it to Wizgiz in the morning, and they all go back to bed.
The next day, the girls were all nervous about going inside. Musa was scared to go in, to which Flora pointed out that she's a straight-A student. Musa admitted that she did study but had always hated quizzes. Bloom told them to stop complaining, considering the two of them always get the highest marks. Tecna opened the door and walked in but stopped midway, extremely shocked. Stella ended up bumping into Tecna, and Flora asked why. Tecna told them to take a look, and they saw their fellow classmates looking irritated and messy. Bloom teased Amaryl because Wizgiz's class was supposed to be fun.
Wizgiz explained what happened and that the envelope was the test, and by not opening it, the Winx passed, which they cheered.
The Winx returned from the movies one night, and as they walked back to their dorm, Bloom kept talking about the movie, upsetting Flora. Tecna heard something and asked the others if they heard it too. Bloom dismissed it as Kiko's stomach. The girls went straight to sleep and started having nightmares. Twice that night, the girls were woken up by their friends' screams. They began to realize something was going on, and Flora heard Mirta's voice. Flora used her magic to allow Mirta to speak to them, and she explained what was going on with them; they were attacked by a nightmare gargoyle sent by the Trix.
The next morning, Tecna, Musa, Stella, and Bloom discussed why the Trix sent the gargoyle after them. Bloom believed it had something to do with Cloud Tower. Tecna pointed out that Bloom had a theory but wasn't saying what it was. Bloom admitted that she thought the Trix were targeting her specifically, and Tecna asked why. Bloom said that she wasn't exactly sure why but suspected they knew more about her past than she did. Stella didn't believe in Bloom's theory but rallied the group, and they came up with a plan to ambush the creature.
That night, they put their plan into action, transforming to fight it off. The monster attacked them with their nightmares and drained them. They chased it outside, where the Trix made their appearance. The monster and Trix had them beat, but luckily, Ms. Faragonda was woken up and was able to overload the monster and chase the witches away.
Bloom was helping Stella with her hair when Stella realizes Bloom was pondering over something and pointed it out to her. Bloom asked if it was obvious, to which Stella replied yes. Bloom opened up to Stella about her problems: who she is, what Lake Roccaluce is, and many others. Stella knew the past can't be modified but the present can, and she urged Bloom to call Brandon. Though Bloom was a bit hesitant, Stella was able to coax her into it, reasoning that they "need to clear the air". Stella then stepped out of the room. Bloom panicked and asked her where she's going. Stella said that she needed to wash the conditioner out of her hair and left Bloom alone. After she left, Bloom dialed Brandon's number. He answered, saying that he's glad she called. Bloom explained to him what exactly happened on their trip to Cloud Tower: the Trix had tricked her, falsifying her heritage. After that discussion, she moved on to something she had wanted to talk about: the two of them. She felt that there's something special between them, and as she brings up the subject, Brandon suddenly said he needs to go and abruptly ended the call. Bloom was surprised and a little upset.
Stella re-entered the room and asked how it went. Bloom explained to her that he sounded distant. Stella said that they should wait until after the exhibition before calling him back. Bloom then came up with a really bad idea: to go to the exhibition to see Brandon. Stella was unsure, so they brought it to Flora, who immediately said no, but Bloom wasn't dissuaded. Flora brought them both to Tecna and Musa's room and asked them to talk some sense into Bloom. Stella asked if Bloom likes him, and at first, she denied it, saying that they are just friends, but Stella reasoned that if she does not like him, she would not be so desperate to see him, especially when it meant breaking the rules. It is then that Bloom somewhat confirmed her feelings for him but wanted to know how Brandon felt. With that, the girls decided to help her.
At Red Fountain, the girls were stopped by one of the guards. When questioned on their unauthorized visit to Red Fountain, they tried to fool the guard, but when that didn't work, they ran inside and hid around Red Fountain. Bloom found herself in a hallway and noticed some people walking towards her. She made herself not stand out as she moved out of their way, but as she did so, she bumped into someone else: Diaspro. They both fell, and Diaspro dropped something. As they stood up, Bloom spotted the item: holographic projection of Brandon. Diaspro acted very rudely to Bloom as she picked up her fallen item. She proclaimed that Brandon was her boyfriend and that Bloom was forbidden to look at him before she walked off. Bloom was in complete disbelief and distraught and assumed that the Trix are toying with her again.
Bloom followed Diaspro to the arena and concocted a scheme to get her away to a secluded location. As Diaspro's an Eraklyonite, Bloom gave her a note saying that Prince Sky wanted to see her and offered to bring her to him. Diaspro excused herself from the King and Queen of Eraklyon and followed Bloom, taking her guard with her. Once they were away from prying eyes, Bloom knocked out the guard and demanded Diaspro reveal which Trix she was. When she didn't get the answer she wanted, Bloom transformed and attacked. Diaspro transformed to defend herself, and the girls fought. Their battle brought them down into a room below the arena, and as a result of their battle, they destroyed the floor of the arena. Bloom defeated Diaspro in front of the entire arena, and Diaspro was sent plunging onto the ground. Brandon ran towards them, and Diaspro got up and latched onto him, calling out to him as "Sky". Bloom was now confused and called out to him. Diaspro angrily corrected Bloom that Brandon is actually Prince Sky of Eraklyon and her fiancé. Bloom became deeply destressed, not knowing what to believe anymore.
When they got back to Alfea, Faragonda admonished and scolded the girls for their actions, making Bloom feel even worse on top of the punishments they were assigned. While completing her punishment, which was significantly worse than the others', Bloom had plenty of time to wallow in her misery and think and come to a decision.
After their punishments, Bloom gathered the girls to tell them what she has decided: to leave Alfea. She never felt like she belonged to the Magic Dimension, and her tipping point was discovering that Brandon is actually Prince Sky and that he has a fiancée. The girls were shocked and tried to dissuade her, but nothing can change her mind. She just wants to go home.
Back at home, Mike reassured Bloom that they respect her decisions and that they're not upset about it, but Bloom can sense how they truly feel. While home, Bloom helped her mother in her shop. They'd run out of pink carnations, so Bloom used her magic to change the colors of some red carnations to pink for a costumer. Venessa complimented Bloom's magic touch and mentioned that it's helpful. Bloom explained that it was Flora who showed it to her. Two girls walked by the store, and Bloom lightly dropped her shoulders. Vanessa noticed that Bloom really does miss her friends and comforted her.
That night, Bloom was walking along the sidewalk, still missing her friends and questioning if she made the right decision, when Mitzi rode up along side her on her scooter. Mitzi began taunting her, but Bloom was not in the mood, so she growled at her. Mitzi, being used to it, didn't react beyond an initial startle. Bloom commented that Mitzi might prefer talking to herself rather than her. Mitzi continued to tease her, riding her scooter onto the sidewalk and calling her a nobody. She rode off along the sidewalk, almost running over Kiko on purpose. Bloom, having enough of her attitude, finally showed Mitzi what she thinks of her by turning her scooter into a pig.
Bloom ran back home, where she found the Trix holding her parents hostage. Icy declared that they were there to take what they believe rightfully belongs to them, and a fight ensues. Aside from Stormy, Knut and the Trix were fighting in a gravity well above what they're used to, giving Bloom the advantage. Seeing as Bloom wasn't giving up, Icy decided to use one last trump card. She laughs and teleports them to Bloom's house. Bloom wondered what she meant and realized it is her parents. She flew home as fast as she could and saw Icy levitating Mike and Vanessa over a dark hole. Bloom asked the Trix what they want, and Stormy told her that they want her powers. Bloom refused, and Icy drops Mike and Vanessa down the hole. Bloom dove in and saved her parents. Right when Bloom got her parents outside the hole, Icy blast them. Darcy attacked her while she is inattentive, knocking Bloom down. Stormy blast Bloom a few times with lightning, weakening her even more. Icy told Bloom to give up. Icy gloated over Bloom and tells Bloom the truth of her origins and their own goals to complete what their ancestors started.
Bloom weakly stood and announced that they'll have go through her. Icy attacked, freezing Bloom in ice. Icy called her a princess, but Bloom still has not comprehended what Icy means and assumed Icy was insulting her, which offended Icy. Icy angrily informed Bloom on who she is: the long-lost princess of Domino and keeper of the Dragon's Flame, the source of all life in the magic dimension.
Darcy knocked Bloom out, and when she woke up she knew something was wrong. Her parents helped her recover from what the Trix did to her, having gotten her out of the ice with hammers and whatever pointy metal objects they had. A light appeared in their living room, scaring the family. Venessa was about to smash its head in, and Mike grabbed Bloom, intending to pick her up and run, before it was revealed to be Stella. Bloom called out to her, and Stella asked what was wrong. Bloom explained that the Trix had ambushed her and stolen her powers. Vanessa told Bloom to go back to Alfea with Stella and try to come up with a solution, giving her a knife so she wouldn't be completely unarmed. Stella agreed, comforting Bloom and reassuring her that with everyone working together, they will stop the Trix once and for all. Mike told Bloom they're with her, and Bloom hugged her parents and told them that she loves them before Stella took her back to Alfea.
Getting her Powers Back[]
Bloom arrived back at Alfea with Stella, and the two went to Ms. Faragonda to tell her what happened. Faragonda revealed that she knew about Bloom's origin, and Bloom, shocked and angered, demanded to know why she didn't tell her. Faragonda explained that it was best if Bloom found out on her own. Bloom called bullshit under her breath. Bloom then asked what is going to happen, and Faragonda replied that she does not know, but it would not fare well for Magix.
The girls went back to their dorm, where Bloom could mope in peace and process her emotions. Dark clouds shrouded the skies, and rain started pouring. The next thing the students knew, monster began climbing all over the school. The Winx arrive outside, and the girls, excluding Bloom, transform to help defend their school.
They continued fighting until the monsters pulled back. Some of the girls started cheering, thinking that they won, but those from warrior races knew it wasn't a retreat. Ms. Faragonda called the Winx into her office and told them of the dire situation. She instructed Bloom to go to Domino, as she thinks there is some hope of getting clues on how to restore Bloom's Dragon power. Musa, Flora, Tecna and Stella all agreed to go with her to Domino. Bloom thanked them for their support. That night, the girls were teleported to Domino.
On Domino, the girls walked through the snow-covered planet in search of the royal castle. After a while, Bloom said that she wished she had her powers, as it would be faster, but Tecna reassured her that it should not be long before they reach their destination. The climate suddenly changes. The winds blow faster and stronger, obscuring their vision. They continued walking, arms covering their faces and with low visibility. They walked for hours until Stella spotted a large snow monster. The snow monster buried them in snow, but the girls popped out from underneath and quickly make their getaway. As they ran, the snow monster yet again buried Flora, Musa, and Tecna in snow. It chased after Stella and Bloom and almost smashed them with its large hands. Stella transformed to defend herself and Bloom. The rest of the girls unburied themselves and joined in on the fight.
During the fight, the monster punched the ground, causing it to crack and split open and separate Bloom from the rest of the girls. The shaking caused Bloom to lose her balance and fall into the crack. She found herself in an icy, cavernous tunnel and began searching for a way out. As she searched, she learned that the tunnels aren't caves but the castle corridors when she found a section that wasn't completely frozen over. She entered a room containing a long worn-out table and tableware. Bloom slid her hand across the table, and flashes of memory come back to her. She entered the castle's courtyard but was saddened by what happened to it. Suddenly, the area began to shake violently, and the ice ceiling cracked and fell, allowing the rest of the girls to see Bloom.
The girls reunited and worked together to melt the ice covering the castle, allowing them to get a better look at the place. The find the underground corridors and went down to search them. While down there, Bloom heard someone calling her name, but none of the others did. Daphne appeared before them, welcoming them to the castle. Bloom was shocked to see her sister, and Daphne was glad to finally meet them. Daphne led them to Domino's treasure room and told them that she was once the Nymph of Lake Roccaluce, but the castle was where she and Bloom were laid and hatched. Bloom was shocked by the fact she was hatched but then looked down at her chest and noted how that explained some things. Daphne also told them that what Bloom was looking for, referring to her lost powers, would not be found there. However, there's something that Bloom must learn about while there.
Daphne opened the large doors to Domino's treasure room. Daphne showed them a display case. The case held the crown for the heir to the throne. Bloom recognized the crown as the one she saw in the lake. Daphne told her to pick it up, and it showed Bloom her history. Daphne explained how the Ancestral Witches attacked Domino and she was forced to hide Bloom and the Dragon Flame, sending her away to the furthest habitable plant known to exist. Daphne tried to fight back the witches, but her fate was sealed that day, and the fate of the king and queen were unknown.
Bloom was devastated by the revelation and swore to Daphne that once she was through with the Trix, she would find their parents. Daphne was proud of her, and with her work complete, she may leave in peace and disappear. The girls left the castle, and Bloom was fired up, ready to take on her challenge. The rest of the girls were happy to see her back to her old self, but their happiness was short-lived as the snow monster has returned with reinforcements. The girls attempted to fight them, but they were overwhelmed by their numbers, and Bloom's knife wasn't effective against the ice creatures. They retreated to the castle, but the creatures began climbing the walls. The girls beat the creatures back, but they just kept coming. The Winx retreated further into the castle as the creatures broke down the gate.
Inside, Bloom exchanged her knife for a torch, which proved much more effective. Bloom and Stella retreat to a safer place within the castle, followed by Flora, who sealed the entrance with vines, but the creatures chewed through them. The girls continued to fight, but one snuck behind Bloom. She was saved by Sky, and Brandon and Timmy come crashing in after him, joining in on the fight. The snow monster attacks the group, which the guys were unable to handle. Bloom told the rest of the girls to converge their powers, which gave Tecna an idea. The four of them combined their powers to capture and blow up the monster.
The Winx and Specialists regrouped and headed back to Alfea on the Red Fountain ship. In the back, Sky and Bloom talked about their relationship. Sky apologized for his actions and told Bloom that he has broken it off with Diaspro and that he honestly never cared about her that way. Bloom forgives him under one condition: to call him "Sky" without the princely title. He laughed and agreed, causing the others to laugh.
The Winx and the Specialists returned to Alfea, where they're welcomed greeted by Faragonda and Saladin. Faragonda and Saladin introduced the teams to Knut, who had left the Trix and joined their side. At first, the girls were suspicious of Knut until Faragonda eased their worries. They noticed that Alfea was becoming crowded and learned of the tragic event that Red Fountain had been destroyed, so the boys were staying at Alfea for the time being. Faragonda and Saladin warned of another impending battle by the Trix and told the Winx to be prepared for their next attack.
Stella, Bloom, Sky, Brandon, Saladin, Codatorta, Wizgiz, Knut, and Faragonda gathered in Faragonda's office to discuss a plan of action. Bloom proposed that she lead a small team into Cloud Tower to get the Dragon Flame back. Codatorta, Faragonda, and Saladin accepted her plan, but Sky and Brandon were completely shocked at the idea, and Sky did not approve of it at all, saying that only a lunatic would go anywhere near Cloud Tower. That was exactly what Bloom was counting on, and with some help from Knut explaining how they were going to get there, she convinced the boys to help.
After convincing Flora, Tecna, and Musa to stay behind, Bloom, Stella, Sky, Brandon, and Knut climbed down the well. On their way to Cloud Tower, Stella reassured Bloom that she'll keep her safe. Bloom bemoans the loss of her powers and only having her knife to defend herself, not knowing what she'll do when she got in front of the witches.
They ended up outside the building in its garbage dump. Suddenly, they were confronted by beetleroaches. The boys got ready to exterminate the bugs, but Bloom stopped them for fear of tipping off their enemy. One of the roaches attempted to eat Knut, so Bloom jumped and stabbed at it, forcing it back. The queen beetleroach grabbed Sky, and Bloom tried to slash its leg, but it kicked her back. A cloaked man jumped on it and zapped it, causing it to flee. The other beetles followed suit. It turned out the cloaked man was Riven, and he joined them in their mission, apologizing for his past actions.
Knut finally got everyone inside the school and took them through a secret passage to the Trix's room. Though the others were a little appalled that he led them there, he explained that there's a passage, behind a mirror, that would enable them to reach the castle while avoiding the heavily guarded halls. The boys took the lead through the corridors. After hours of walking, they finally got near to the Dragon Flame, but something wasn't right. Despite the rest of the school being so heavily guarded, that section had no guards.
The team split up, Stella, Knut, and Sky went with Bloom to retrieve her flame. They entered the room and found a large, burning flame in the center. Bloom approached it, but it soon froze over. A strong gust of wind sent Knut, Stella, and Sky hurling into the wall. Bloom turned to face the door and saw the Trix making their grand entrance. Icy broke the news to her: the flame in this room was not the Dragon Flame. It was, in fact, within the essence of their souls. Darcy mocked Bloom and cackled when Icy interrupted and told Bloom that they planned to make Cloud Tower her grave.
Bloom was saved by Ms. Griffin, who sent the Trix flying with a powerful blast. The team got behind Griffin, and she trapped the Trix behind multiple mystical shields and earthly barriers to buy time to escape. Griffin led everyone to the Wind Swept Terrace, the only way out of Cloud Tower. At the terrace, everyone huddled together as Griffin conjured a dimensional portal to Alfea. The witches go through one by one, but the Creatures of Decay made their way to them. Sky decided to act as a diversion for the escaping witches, and Griffin conjured up a hoverbike for him to use. Bloom joined him, as it's too risky for Sky all by himself. The others escaped into the portal while Bloom and Sky threw off the creatures. Bloom and Sky made their way off the castle and headed towards Alfea until they were struck by lightning and crash-landed in an area near the City of Magix.
They walked to Magix, and Bloom continued to wonder what they would find and eventually confided in Sky about her fears, anxiety, and self-worth. She felt that she no longer belonged to Earth or the magical community. She's not a creation of Mjora, and her powers had been stripped from her. Sky was able to comfort her and rejuvenate her sense of belonging, to be herself, regardless of absences or presences of magical powers. They continued their hike, but Bloom stopped Sky because she heard something in woods. Sky reassured her that nothing is there, but Bloom reminded him that she has superior hearing to him and that his superior eyes aren't nearly as good in the dark, leading to the two of them being more careful as they moved and watching the forest carefully. As night arrived, what little light they had disappeared. With the dark clouds blocking out the moon and stars, they were forced to stop for the night.
The next morning, Bloom and Sky resumed their hike, but a voice called out to Bloom, stopping her in her tracks. But before she could investigate, they spotted a growing mass of monsters in the forest. Sky wanted to hurry to Magix City, but Bloom felt the need to go to Lake Roccaluce. They went their separate ways. Bloom arrived at Lake Roccaluce and removed her biker's attire. She stepped into the lake and called out to Daphne.
Over the following spring on Earth, Bloom began noticing two bumps on her forehead and the skin around her eyes becoming red. Given that she'd recently learned that she's an alien, she was hesitant to go to a human doctor, so she waited until she went back to Alfea before getting checked out.
At Alfea, the school nurse told her that she was going through puberty. The bumps on her forehead were her horns coming in, and the redness around her eyes was her scales growing thicker to protect her eyes from other people's horns. She was also informed that she should be expecting her first heat sometime that year.
A new fairy, Aisha, the princess of Andros, and her pixie, Piff, joined the Winx after stumbling onto the Alfea grounds and being discovered by Bloom and the other Winx after the opening ceremony for the Winx's second year. The rest of the pixies were at Shadow Haunt, captured by Darkar. Aisha, Bloom, and Stella went on a special mission with the help of Sky and Brandon to rescue the rest of the pixies. After the pixies were rescued, they went back to Alfea, where every Winx girl bonded with a pixie. Bloom bonded with Lockette, the Pixie of Portals. Also, a new teacher, Professor Avalon, came along and took a special interest in Bloom.
Professor Avalon began grooming Bloom and quickly gained her trust. He began secretly introducing small amounts of Darkar's magic into her system so he could temporarily take control over her. It was later revealed that the Avalon at Alfea wasn't the real Avalon but a doppelganger created by Darkar. He captured Bloom and put her under a spell that turned her into Dark Bloom. Darkar and Dark Bloom used the Codex to open the magical portal to enter the Realm of Relix, where Dark Bloom attempted to summon the Ultimate Power of Relix, so that Darkar can absorb it. Sky reached out to Bloom and told her that he loves her, and Bloom's love for Sky caused her healing powers to activate, cleansing herself of the evil magic and healing everyone else. She fought against Darkar with the Winx and defeated him with a convergence spell.
During the school break, Stella's father threw her a princess ball, where her father announced he will be remarrying. The bride-to-be was the wicked Countess Cassandra, who came with her daughter, Chimera. With the help of Valtor, Cassandra put King Radius under a spell. At her Princess Ball, Stella is spelled herself by Chimera, turning her into a hideous beast. Under the influence of Cassandra, her father refused to recognize her as his daughter and sicked the guards on her, forcing the Winx to flee. They were able to free Stella from her curse by taking to to the Mirror of Truth, but her father was still under Cassandra's thrall, effectively bashing her and the Winx from Solaria.
Later, Bloom went with the rest of the Winx to Andros to help Aisha but ended up meeting Valtor, who aided the Ancestral Witches in the destruction of the planet Domino and was later imprisoned in the Omega Dimension until the Trix freed him.
Bloom was invited to Eraklyon by Sky for the celebration of the kingdom's Thousand Year Anniversary, saying that he planned make an announcement. The day of the party, Sky revealed that his announcement will be an official proclamation of his love for Bloom and that he plans to marry her, but they got separated from each other due to the preparations for the upcoming party. At the party, just before Sky was to make his big announcement, Diaspro asked him to have a toast with her and gave him a drink with a love potion in it, a love potion given to her by Valtor, to corrupt his mind. Sky then proclaimed his love for his one and only: Princess Diaspro. Bloom was shocked and started crying. When the Winx tried to ask Sky for an explanation, Diaspro tells him that the Winx are witches that serve Valtor. Sky ordered his guards to attack them and also tried to attack the Winx himself, but thanks to Aisha's new Enchantix powers, she managed to create a wall that saves them all. Later, the Winx (excluding Aisha and Tecna) sneak into the Eraklyon Royal Palace, where Stella turns Sky back to normal using her Fairy Dust to break the dark spell he was under.
After Tecna had vanished into the Omega Portal, apparently never to be seen or heard from again, and Bloom suffered a defeat in an attempt to destroy Valtor in order to avenge her friend, she decided that she needed to become stronger and earn her Enchantix powers, leading to Miss Faragonda sending Bloom to Pyros, where she met the sorceress, Maia, who taught Bloom how to focus all her energy on one target. Later on, the Trix attacked Pyros, and during this attack, Bloom became one with the power of the Dragon, which caused her to gain her incomplete Enchantix, allowing her to defeat the Trix. Bloom and Sky reconciled after she returns from Pyros, and they move on to save Tecna. She also learned that the Ancestral Witches created Valtor from a small fragment of the Dragon Fire, meaning that he's a homunculus. She made a religious vow to both the Great Dragon and Mjora that she would destroy the abomination.
The girls acquired the Water Stars from the Golden Kingdom, and Valtor invaded Alfea to claim their strongest magic spells. When Bloom was about to destroy him using the power of the Water Stars, he prevented her from doing so by telling her that Oritel and Marion were trapped within his own body. This was later revealed to be a hoax after Bloom visited the Crypt of the Ancestral Witches in Cloud Tower. With the truth revealed, Bloom ventured into another dimension, where she faced off against Valtor and extinguished the essence of his Dragon's Flame with her Fairy Dust, destroying him forever.
The Fairy Hunters[]
The following year, Miss Faragonda invited Bloom and the other Winx girls back to Alfea to teach new students. Although nervous, Bloom is also ecstatic to be back at Alfea but stunned at her newfound fame after so many fangirls come to see the Winx. After getting past all the fanfare and settling in, Bloom and her friends went to teach their first class (which Tecna dubs as "Winxology"). As part of their class, the girls put together an obstacle course that Aisha, Bloom, and Flora would go through to demonstrate the power of Enchantix, but during the course, Flora was injured due to a prank by a student.
Later that day, Flora was attacked by four mysterious men who call themselves the Wizards of the Black Circle and proclaim that they're looking for Bloom, mistakenly believe she is the last fairy of Earth due to sensing her fairy magic on Earth, and tried to capture her. The Winx's powers were useless against them, and Bloom was injured. Faragonda then told the Winx about the Earth Fairies and how the Wizards of the Black Circle made themselves immune to fairy magic and captured almost all of them, causing magic to almost disappear from Earth. She also told them the dire consequences that could befall Earth if they capture that last Earth Fairy, but she also told them about a form that can grant them the magic to defeat the wizards called "Believix".
The Winx made a journey to Earth to find the last fairy of Earth. They stayed in Gardenia with Bloom's adoptive parents, Mike and Vanessa. Most planets in the Magic Dimension don't regularly use surnames, if at all, so Bloom helped the other girls pick out surnames for themselves: Bright, Ranger, Sharp, Song, and De'Andros, so they can get jobs.
In one of these jobs, Flora brought several of the stuffed animals to life, creating the fairy pets, and the girls decided to try reintroducing Earth to magic through these creatures. Vanessa helped them kickstart their new business, Love & Pet, which also served as their home. When they finally found the last fairy of Earth, Roxy, it was easier for Bloom and Roxy to relate because both of them grew up on Earth, and Bloom began acting as a cultural bridge between Roxy and the rest of the Winx. Bloom, along with the other girls, earned their Believix when Roxy believed in magic and fairies. Bloom had to deal with another problem as well, dealing with her boyfriend and ex-boyfriend, Andy, because Sky was jealous of her having some time with Andy.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Magical sensing: Due to her connection to the Dragon Flame, Bloom has an innate ability to sense magic at a much higher level than others, being able to sense a particular individual's magic from across dimensions compared to the average fairy's few hundred miles.
- Enhanced strength: Due to growing up on Earth, particularly right on top of a nexus, Bloom has been absorbing Terrestrial Magic since infancy, though not enough to develop Believix. This gave her strength well above what her species is naturally capable of but only above average on Earth. Her enhanced strength prevented her from developing a bad back. This made her one of the physically strongest members of the Winx, right behind Flora. After earning Believix, she gained the full strength enhancement afforded by Terrestrial Magic.
- Enhanced durability: Bloom's scaly hide naturally protects her from weak slashing, blunt, and piercing damage, such as slaps, scrapes, and paper cuts, and her natural aura protected her from mid-range damage. Her durability massively increased after earning Believix, allowing her to be hit with the force of a speeding car without injury.
- Enhanced speed: Speed was never a strong suit of the Dominoin species, being slower than the average human, but after earning Believix, she gained the ability to move at superhuman speeds, though she's still slow by Terrestrial Fairy standards.
- Enhanced reflexes: Years of combat has sharpen Bloom's reflexes to near superhuman levels, and Terrestrial Magic pushed them into superhuman levels.
- Enhanced endurance: Due to growing up competing with humans, Bloom forced herself to develop her stamina far beyond what is normal for Dominoins, which only improved further once she developed her horns. For this dedication, Mjora gifted her with stamina rivaling the greatest warriors.
- Enhanced agility: Though Bloom had to struggle to keep up with her peers stamina, but she always had great agility, using it to reduce the amount of stamina she needed to spend. She able to turn quickly and move her body in the most efficient way possible.
- Empathic sensing and feeding: A little after her powers manifested, Bloom gained the ability to sense other's emotions. She incorrectly believed this to be a natural ability of her powers when, in reality, this is a manifestation of a proto-empathic feeding ability she developed through absorbing trace amounts of Terrestrial Magic in childhood. After gaining Believix, this developed into full empathic feeding. She can sense and feed off of other's emotions to become stronger.
- Functional immortality: Like all wielders of Terrestrial and Emotional Magic, once she gained Believix, Bloom's aging slowed to a near stop. She does still age, but no Terrestrial Fairy or Witch has ever died of age related causes, and no one knows exactly how long they can live for.
- Impulsivity: Like many of her people, Bloom has a fiery personality, which leads to her rushing into situations without fully thinking things through. The years of being the Winx's leader has tempered this, but her impulsivity can still get the better of her during stressful situations.
- 'Milonrah' is a name I created by combining a feminine sound, the Chinese word for dragon 'long', and a roaring sound and then checking Google to make sure it wasn't a slur (very important step).
- 'Bloom' is derived from the Yiddish word blum and the German blume, both of these with the meaning “flower.” It can also mean "to blossom" or "to flourish".
- 'Marceline' is a name of French origin meaning "young warrior," originating from the Roman god of war, Mars.
- 'Peters' is a Germanic name that means 'sone of Peter'. The name 'Peter' means "rock" or "stone".