Chloe is one of the first female Specialists and ranks 20 in athletic abilities. She is a member of the New Generation Club.
Chloe is the first female to attend Red Fountain and is full of skill. She is the second best in Wind Riding, thanks to the first best, Headmaster King Sky, and good at Kung Fu. Chloe is usually a strict hard core girl and barely shows her true emotions. Despite that, she's a kind girl and cares much about her friends. She's sassy and a feminist. Though her feminism, she secretly have a crush on a specialist named Michael. Chloe has two step-siblings, James and Jane, and a golden retriever named Spy.
New Generation Club[]
Chloe wears a orange jumpsuit with a belt around her waist and a yellow jem on her chest with yellow gloves. She wears boots that end below the legs with black buttons. She keeps her hair in a ponytail.