Earth is home to many beings that can use magic. How they gained their magic, what kind of magic they can use, genetics, and the origin of the being define what it's classed as.
Lesser Gods[]
The lesser gods of Earth come about in two different ways. They were either another class of creature that ascended to godhood after death by attaining tremendous power in life, called post life gods, or they were manifested into reality by the collective consciousness, called concept gods.
Post-Life Gods[]

Post-life god
Post-life gods typically appear similar to how they did in life, which ends up meaning they are mostly humanoid, but they can take just about any form. These gods are the gods of whatever they had power over in life, such as death magic users becoming psychopomps. Their personalities may be slightly different from how they were when they were alive, but it is more likely that this is the result of their death and what led to it rather than the process of ascending. As such, their personalities can be as varied as humans.
Concept Gods[]

Valkmir (raven god)
Concept gods typically appear as a large animal due to large numbers of humans assigning characteristics to species of animals. These gods are the gods of whatever attributes their species is characterized as having, such as raven trickster gods and dog love gods. Though much rarer, they can also look like people when a concept was attributed to a person so heavily that they become a god of that concept, gaining immortality.
These gods tend to be aloof and unconcerned with the matters of man, unless it directly affects them, but they can be persuaded into helping, depending on the god. You have to be careful when you go looking for one of these gods. You might find the dog god of love, or you might find a parasitic god. With the use of the right spells, these gods can reproduce with mortal creatures, creating demigods.
Demigods are the offspring of any god and any mortal creature. They are genetically identical to their mortal species but have Divine Magic. Divine Magic is extraordinarily powerful. Even after many generations removed from their god ancestor, the bloodline will still contain Divine Magic, and the amount of Divine Magic a child is born with does not decrease through the generations. It follows the same hereditary rules as all other magics, except for the rules about "duds". Divine Magic makes it impossible for the bloodline to produce "duds", carriers of dormant sparks.

'Spirit' is a collective term for any incorporeal being made up of pure magic, such as: kami, some gods, ghosts, specters, phantoms, etcetera. These creatures can be good, natural, or evil depending on what kind of spirit they are and how they became spirits. Kami are just Japanese gods, and some lesser gods just don't have a tangible body, but ghosts, specters, and phantoms are creatures made of pure magic, and sometimes, they were once mortal.
There are two types of ghosts, created by what emotions they were feeling as they died. Dark magic ghosts, the most common type, died while filled with negative emotions, which coalesced into a body and trapped their consciousness as they died. Light magic ghosts also exist but are far less common, typically being a parent watching over their child after death.
A ghost's ability to interact with the mortal world is limited to what they can do with their magic, but as most ghosts were human when they were alive, they don't know how to use their magic very well. They mostly just use it as a club to knock items around.
Specters are masses of magic that have coalesced enough to create synaptic patterns. They're mostly harmless, and the majority of them aren't exactly conscious. But as they get older, they begin to be able to think, and what kinds of thoughts they think depends on what kinds of magic makes up their mind.
No body can really agree what exactly phantoms are or how they were created. What can be agreed on it what they do. They are spiteful creatures made of pure dark magic. They latch on to people and follow them home. They use their magic to torment their victims with the goal of feeding off their negative emotions.
Sages, known by many other names across the world, were the original magic users of Earth, before Arcadia gave humans Emotional Magic. Before Emotional Magic, learning magic was a time consuming and difficult endeavor, requiring years of dedication. Very few were biologically capable of using magic, and few of them had the time to commit to the study, Most villages only had one sage and a sage’s apprentice, if they had one at all. As such, they were highly venerated and held important positions, such as legal authorities, adjudicators, lore keepers, medical professionals and political advisors.
In modern day, 'sage', also known as druid, is the highest spiritual rank in the Children of Mjora religion and play an important role in Sylvan society.
Earth Fairies[]

Earth Fairies
Earth Fairies are creatures that were created when Arcadia brought Emotional Magic to Earth. A group of fairies is called a coven, clan, or pack. They are a matriarchal society as women tend to have more magic than men. They have a natural affinity for light magic but are capable of learning dark magic too and do so as part of their normal schooling. Someone not learning the opposite magic is considered to have an incomplete education.
Their defining characteristic is their wings. Their wings are constructs made out of pure magic. The magic is emitted from glands located in their upper backs and then solidifies into the distinctive shapes. There is a section between the glands and the wings were the magic isn't solidified. This section only measures a few centimeters, but it allows the wings to pass through clothing and light armor the fairy may be wearing. Their wings are covered in scales that they regularly shed and regrow throughout their life, just like butterfly wings. They wear a special bottle somewhere on their person to collect these scales as they have magical properties, such as shrinking them, breaking curses, healing, and uses in potions.
Unlike the fairies of the Magic Dimension, Terrestrial Fairies are mischievous by nature. Even those raised away from other fairies have an instinctual need to pull pranks and cause chaos. Nobody knows for sure why this is, but some theories include the idea that the gene responsible for their affinity with light magic may also affect their mind or that it is the light magic itself that interacts with the human mind in an unusual way, causing the behavior. Whatever the cause, they aren't looking to fix it.
Unlike magical creatures of the Magic Dimension, they can improve their power by feeding off the emotions of others. It truly is feeding for them as going a prolonged time without feeding will cause them to feel hunger and have negative effects on their health. They can survive without emotional energy, though they'll be weak and loose their color, especially in their wings and magic, and children that grow up without receiving the proper emotional energies will develop physical and psychological issues later in life. They can feed off all emotions, light and dark, except for suffering and obsessive love. Many describe those two emotions as nauseating, putrid, and vile.
They lack the rivalry with witches that's commonly seen between the witches and fairies of the Magic Dimension, likely do to them learning the other's magic. Earth Fairies even actively seek out alliances with witches for their greater ease of blending into human society, their ability to fly without wings, and their witch's powder. All these traits are highly beneficial for missions into human territory. These partnerships have led some humans to believe that fairies are some form of dark gods or demons and witches are their servants. Many witches are not fans of this belief, but fairies find it absolutely hilarious.
Many other misconceptions about fairies exist due to their enigmatic nature. One of the most common misconceptions is "fairies are weak to iron". Although fairies are able to be harmed by iron, it is not because of any supernatural properties of the element. Iron blades were merely the first weapon capable of cutting a fairy's skin. Bone, stone, wood, and brass weapons all shattered and bent before causing serious damage. Word of this spread and was exaggerated into fairies being repelled or burned by iron. Some will also say that fairies hate iron because it represents humanity and the modern world of machines, in contrast to the nature they represent. This is also untrue. Fairies do not reject metal machines or the technological innovations of the human world and, in fact, make full use of them.

Rustic Fairies
Rustic Fairies[]
Rustic Fairies look similar to Terrestrial fairies, but they are entirely different species. Rustic Fairies weren't derived from humans. They were originally female satyrs living around the Sibillini Mountains. Sibylla found these creatures being terrorized by humans, and she gave them fairy magic to defend themselves, creating the Rustic Fairies.
Like their humanoid counterparts, they produce fairy dust, feed off emotions, are playful, and learn both light and dark magic, but unlike them, they have no innate desire to cause chaos. They are very orderly creatures, resulting in them serving as the Sylvan Empire's legal service.
Earth Witches & Wizards[]

Earth Witch
Earth Witches and their male counterparts, wizards, are creatures that were created when Arcadia brought Emotional Magic to Earth. They are a matriarchal society as women tend to have more magic than men and are collectively known as witchkind, witchkin, or just witches. They have a natural affinity for dark magic but are capable of learning light magic too and do so as part of their normal schooling. Someone not learning the opposite magic is considered to have an incomplete education.
They lack the wings of the fairies, despite using the same magic as them, and nobody, in either the Magic Dimension or Earth, knows for sure why. The most popular theory is that the reason witches and wizards don't have wings is because negative emotions aren't as expressive as positive emotions. The rationale is that, either through societal pressure or the nature of emotions, negative emotions are not expressed as openly as positive emotions and are left to simmer inside, which causes the magic to not express itself as openly. Not everyone agrees with that theory, but it's difficult to disprove.
Even though they lack wings, they still have an analogues to fairy dust called witch's powder. Witch's powder starts out as oil produced in their hair follicles and coats their hair and is a fundamental part of keeping it healthy, like human hair oil. Like fairies, they wear a special bottle somewhere on their person to collect this oil, which also converts it to a powder for easier use. Witch's powder is used in potions, to break curses, for healing, and to create barriers that other supernatural creatures can not cross.
Unlike magical creatures of the Magic Dimension, they can improve their power by feeding off the emotions of others. It truly is feeding for them as going a prolonged time without feeding will cause them to feel hunger and have negative effects on their health. They can survive without emotional energy, though they'll be weak and loose their color, especially in their magic, and children that grow up without receiving the proper emotional energies will develop physical and psychological issues later in life. They can feed off all emotions, light and dark, except for suffering and obsessive love. Many describe those two emotions as nauseating, putrid, and vile.
Where the witches of the Magic Dimension prefer to work alone, Earth Witches have an instinctual need for a coven, and covens don't have to be exclusively witches. Covens can even contain normal humans. A witch losing their coven is considered a horrific fate. A witchkin that suffers this fate is called an ellan, literally meaning 'completely alone' from Old English 'eall ān'. Even rival covens will sometimes take in an ellan because of just how awful of a fate it is. A witchkin that abandons their coven is called a demite, from Latin 'dimitte' which means 'exit, depart, leave, quit'. Demites are seen with suspicion by others.
They lack the rivalry with fairies that's commonly seen between the witches and fairies of the Magic Dimension, likely do to them learning the other's magic.
Fairy Witches[]

Fairy Witch
Fairy Witch is a term for witches of the Sylvan Empire. It was originally meant as a derogatory term by witches from outside of the empire, basically meaning fairies' little bitches. But the witches of the Sylvan Empire liked the term, the Sylvan word for Fairy Witch being hexasí (hex-a-she). They embraced the term and now use it to distinguish themselves from other witches and bring themselves closer to their fairy sisters.
As Fairy Witch is merely a title, there's little difference between normal Earth Witches and Fairy Witches. Though Fairy Witches tend to be more mischievous and warriorlike than due to the influence of being around and raised by fairies.
The Unseelie are fairies and witches with a condition called missing heart syndrome. It is a condition similar to the Hollywood depictions of psychopathy and real psychopathy but is distinctly not ASPD. What causes the condition is unknown, but it's suspected that the condition either starts out in the womb or within the first year of life. Though some believe that the condition is caused by creatures called Fomóir attacking pregnant woman in their sleep and devouring the infant's heart, giving the condition its name.
Those with this condition are unable to feel or feed off of normal emotions, particularly empathy. The parents of children with this condition will try to feed them any way they can, but the child is physically unable to consume the emotional energy. These children grow up starving and will eventually lash out at others due to the pain. It's usually around then they discover that they can feed off fear. This results in them terrorizing creatures weaker than them, typically small animals, in order to feed, where they discover that they can also feed off the suffering they cause and that it brings them joy.
Due to the malnourishment in their early years and the prevalence of suffering in their later diet, Unseelie develop into gaunt adults and grow unnatural, extreme mutations, sometimes entirely loosing their humanoid forms. Their wings, magic, and often times their skin become ashen gray. They completely lack the bright colors of their Seelie counterparts.
Traits commonly exhibited by Unseelie include: lack of empathy, manipulative behavior, disinhibited behavior, inability to accept responsibility, reduced startle response, narcissism, extreme irritability, and explosive violent behavior.
Unseelie will spend their entire lives starving or causing suffering. Not even hope for a cure has ever been found, not helped by the rarity of the condition.
Warlocks are people that don’t naturally have magic but have gained magic through a contract with a naturally magical being. Once a contract is made, the warlock will gain tattoos to signify their contract. Warlocks can have multiple patrons. During the Dark Ages, warlocks were seen as evil, traitors, and in league with the devil by those in the church, adding to why tattoos are seen in a negative light. The powers a warlock gains is determined by the entity they have a contract with. How those powers manifest is determined by their personality.
It is a fairly common practice for a wizard, witch, or a fairy to turn their human partners into warlocks so they can be immortal too and protect themselves.

Bloom's familiar

Roxy's familiar
Familiars are animals that have gained magic through their bond with a magical being. Any magical being can create a familiar, even homunculi, and familiars can be made from any non-sentient animal and some plants. The life form just needs a complex enough anatomy and nervus system to handle the magic. Insects are the lowest form of animal that can be a familiar, and trees are the lowest form of plant that can be a familiar. A similar process can happen with sentient creatures too, but they wouldn't be considered familiars because that would be weird.
A familiar is created when a mage loves another being dearly. Their magic travels with the love and infuses into the animal or plant's body. With other magic creatures, this little magic isn't normally noticeable, but for non-magical beings, it is very noticeable. For familiars, this makes them smarter and immortal. Love is a mandatory requirement. No other emotion can be substituted. Most people only have two to three familiars, but the number of familiars someone can have is only limited by how many they can support.
Familiars typically help out their mage in everyday activities or serve as guards or spies for them. Familiars are often times sealed into amulets to make transport easier and to protect them. If an amulated familiar is grievously injured or drained of energy, they will be pulled back into their amulet to heal. While in the amulet, the familiar does not require food or water, existing as pure energy.
Amulets are made of two components, the body and the gem. The gem is what holds the familiar and is usually made from clear quartz. The quartz will take on the color of the familiar's energy once it's sealed inside. The body protects the gem and is typically infused with a lot of magic to make sure that it can. The body is custom made so the owner can tell them apart. Modern amulets have a rounded dome to further protect the crystal, but older models exclusively relied on shield runes to protect the crystal. If the crystal is damaged while the creature is inside it, that could lead to the death of the creature, or it being trapped inside the amulet for eternity.
In the process of sealing the familiar, the mage will set verbal commands to summon and recall their familiars. The recall command is usually a simple "return". The summon command is typically a call to action and the creature's name, such as "By my side, Kiko". These aren't hard set rules, and the commands can be whatever the mage wants them to be, but formats such as this tends to work best.
Banshees are a species of sentient fae creatures created by an ancient fairy named Morrigan (the woman Morrigan Fay was named after). Banshees predate the creation of warlocks and were created when ancient Morrigan wanted to make her human love immortal. It sort of worked, and the first banshee spark was created. The banshee spark got passed down through some of their children, surviving to the modern day.
Banshees are creatures with red-glowing eyes and a sonic scream and can sense when someone is close to death.

Perfect homunculus
First recoded creation in early 16th century Switzerland, homunculi are artificial humanoid creatures created through magic. The first homunculus ever created was what would later be classified as 'miniature homunculus', a small creature with over-sized hands and head. The degree they resemble humans/human-like beings depends on the quality of the homunculus and the intensions of its creator. They can range from being perfect, indistinguishable from the species they're molded after, to being short, grotesque, barely humanoid monsters. The more perfect the homunculus, the more powerful it is. The most famous homunculus to ever live was Valtor.

Monstrous homunculus
Despite their humanoid appearance, homunculi aren't considered to be true living beings within the Children of Mjora religion. They are considered to be tools. This is largely due to them not having free will of their own. They can appear to have free will, but in reality, they're acting within the parameter programmed into them by their creators. They are incapable of naturally going beyond these parameters, unlike true living beings. They are VIs, not AIs.
The secondary reason why they aren't considered to be true beings is because they are almost never created with good intentions. This is doubly true for their most dangerous variant, doppelgangers.

Avalon's doppelganger
First created in mid 18th century Germany, doppelgangers [double-walker] are perfect homunculi that were created to imitate a specific person. Traditionally, doppelgangers are created by placing a large amount of someone's magic or their spark within a homunculus body, the latter of which is lethal to the original. They have all the memories and powers of the original but are still constrained to their programing. The only thing they lack are the original's familiars, which can tell the copy apart from the original. The first doppelganger was created by a German witch to serve as her new body after she contracted a virus created by Yllidith, the witch hunter, that was slowly destroying her body. It wasn't long before others learned of them, and it took even less time for various witch factions to begin using them for evil. By the tail-end of the century, the term 'doppelganger' was coined for them.

Timmy's incomplete doppelganger
Doppelgangers can be made by simply shaping the homunculus to look like the person without using the original's magic, which is what Valtor did to the Specialists, but these doppelgangers lack the original's aura, making them easily and quickly identifiable as fakes and earning them the name 'incomplete doppelgangers'. They will also lack the memories and powers of the original, making them only useful for shocking opponents.
The nature of the doppelgangers made them perfect for espionage and sabotage. Warring witch factions would abduct members of their rival factions, steal their spark, and place it inside a doppelganger. Depending on how the double was programmed, they might not even realize they are a doppelganger, unknowingly becoming a sleeper agent. The only way to tell if someone had been replaced by a doppelganger is by the lack of life in their eyes, which not everyone is able to notice, or by their lack of familiars, which is why familiars are so popular in modern times. This practice has largely contributed to the drastic decline in the witch population over the last two centuries.
The sheer amount of carnage these creatures brought was devastating to all magical communities. People had been debating for 200 years on the morality of creating homunculi and whether it should be illegal, but after the magical world learned of what doppelgangers were being used for, the Sylvan Empire outlawed the creation of homunculi, and the Children of Mjora sages not only deemed them immoral but an affront to the gods.
Human Sub-Classes[]
Human sub-classes aren't magical in any way, but I'm not making a whole other article just for two entries, and they are related to Earth's magical creatures.
God-touched humans are people who have been given powers by the gods. These powers vary widely based on the god and person but usually present as powerful psychic abilities. The reason a god would create a god-touched is just as varied, but it's usually so the person can complete a task for the god. Particularly powerful gods might even "bless" a couple with a baby so they can customize their god-touched.
Female (dams) god-touched humans can pass down a version of their abilities to their children, but males (sires) can not. Inside the womb, the god's energy will mutate the embryo's DNA, giving the child weaker versions of their mother's abilities allowing them, male or female, to pass their abilities down to their children. The divine energy will stay within the bloodline for a couple generations, but it will quickly become too diluted to mean anything. This is believed to be how psychics were created.
Psychics are normal humans that are sensitive and receptive to the natural energies of Earth. There is a large overlap between psychics and duds, but they aren't the same. There is a wide array of powers that psychics can display depending on what exactly they're sensitive to, such as emotion, changes in Earth's energies, and auras, but one of the most common things they're sensitive to is the use of magic, making them the bane of witches and fairies that are trying to remain a secret. Their sensitivity to magic tends to draw them towards magical beings, which is why there's such a large overlap between psychics and duds. Psychic abilities are hereditary, but they can go dormmate and pop up many generations later.
If a psychic were to gain magic, i.e. become a warlock, they would be extremely powerful due to their ability to absorb magic. If a psychic were to produce a magical offspring, that child would have extremely strong psionic magic, making them rather prized mates.
Some notable abilities displayed by psychics include: aura reading, spirit sensing, emotion reading, danger sense, magic sensitivity, limited clairvoyance, psychometry, and limited precognition. Though these abilities seem magical, they are not. Psychic abilities are simply another sense, such as hearing or smell. They are purely receivers. This also means that psychics have limited control over their abilities, which can cause them great discomfort if overwhelmed, same as any other overwhelmed sense.
Duds are humans that carry a dormant spark. They are created when a witch or a fairy has a child with a human and the child isn't born with magic, the chances of which is 50/50. A dud carries the same kind of spark as their magical parent but has no powers of any kind, and there is almost no way for a dud to awaken their spark. If a dud has a child with a normal human, they have a 50/50 chance of producing a normal human or dud, and if two duds have babies, they'll all come out duds. But if a dud has a child with a magical being, the child could inherit the dud's park, which would be activated by the magic of the other parent. For example, if a fairy dud has a child with a witch, they can throw a fairy child.