Royalix is a fan transformation when a fairy is sent on a mission to save a pixie (or pixies), or a royal baby (ex. Rosie)
A fairy achieves this is when a pixie or a group of pixies has been kidnapped by a evil force or group (ex. the Trix). They, of course, also achieve this when a royal baby, like Rosie, is kidnapped.
Their appearance is frilly and they still have their Enchantix wings, only in alternate colors. They also have to have their hair up in a ponytail or not. They wear fingerless or non-fingerless gloves.
Powers and Ablilties[]
The fairy use only a staff when battling. However, if there is a risky life-or-death situation, their staffs turn into gemstones that holds fairy's powers for in case the fairy sacrifices their powers.
Known Users and their attacks[]
- Bloom: Dragon's Flame
- Stella: Sun's Supernova
- Flora: Nature's Spore
- Musa: Music's Beat
- Tecna: Technology's Block
- Aisha: Water's Wipeout
- Alicia: Phoenix's Blizzard
Other Known Users and their attacks[]
- Aliana: Tundra's Wrath
- Royalix is based on Royal Patraine from Ojamajo Doremi (Magical DoReMi)