Spherix Club:Protect the World-wonderful fan project winx, The club has a Tanya, Alice, Siri, Trea.
Opening: We are in magic.
Ending:Our Spherix Club
Songs of transformation[]
Magic Charmix
Enchantix,Magical Powder
Memorix the best!
Floverix Dances
1 season: Slit - Dark Fairy of Light
2 season: Memory - Memory magician and dead plants
Season 3 and Spherix: Winning Deuce - Wicked Deuce ( Slit and Memory
Origin of the club's name =[]
"Spherix" comes from "Sphere" because our sphere affects life.
Season 1: Charmix (from Nickelodeon), Crystalix
Season 2: Crystalix, Enchantix.
Season 3:Enchantix, Memorix
Spherix:Winning deuce, girls:Memorix, Flowerix